
出典: Game Catalog 1983

2008年11月13日 (木) 01:01; GERTACK! (会話 | 投稿記録) による版

メジャーリーグベースボール2K8 の詳細
機種 プレイステーション3
発売日 2008年11月13日
メーカー サイバーフロント
開発 Take-Two Interactive Software
型番 BLJM-60099
税抜価格 5,800円
税込価格 6,090円
公式サイト http://www.cyberfront.co.jp/title/mlb_2k8/
コピーライト (C)2008 Take-Two Interactive Software and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. 2K Sports, the 2K Sports logo, and Take-Two Interactive Software are all trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Take-TwoInteractive Software, Inc. Major League Baseball, Minor League Baseball,and the Hall of Fame trademarks and copyrights are used with permissionof Major League Baseball Properties, Inc. and the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum, respectively. Visit the official website at MLB.com (C)MLBPA -Official Licensee, Major League Baseball Players Association. Visit the Players Choice on the web at www.MLBPlayers.com (C)MLBP 2008/MLBPA 2008.This game incorporates technology of Massive Incorporated ("Massive") that, when activated, enable the presentation of in-game advertisements and other in-game objects which are uploaded temporarily to your personal computer or game console and changed during online game play. As part of this process, when Massive technology is activated, Massive may have access to your Internet Protocol address. Your Internet Protocol address, and other basic anonymous information, available to Massive are temporarily used by Massive for the general purposes of transmitting and measuring in-game advertising. Massive does not use any information for the purpose of discovering your personal identity. For additional details regarding Massive in-game advertising practices, and to understand your options with respect to in-game advertising and data collection when Massive technology is activated, please see Massive's privacy policy at http://www.massiveincorporated.com/privacy.htm. The trademarks and copyrighted material contained in all in-game advertising are the property of the respective owners. Portions of this product are(C)2007 Massive Incorporated. All rights reserved.

このPS3ソフトのあなたの評価は? (0 vote)
10 ◎神
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メジャーリーグベースボール2K8 の詳細
機種 プレイステーション2
発売日 2008年11月13日
メーカー サイバーフロント
開発 Take-Two Interactive Software
型番 BLJM-60099
税抜価格 4,800円
税込価格 5,040円
公式サイト http://www.cyberfront.co.jp/title/mlb_2k8/
コピーライト (C)2008 Take-Two Interactive Software and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. 2K Sports, the 2K Sports logo, and Take-Two Interactive Software are all trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Take-TwoInteractive Software, Inc. Major League Baseball, Minor League Baseball,and the Hall of Fame trademarks and copyrights are used with permissionof Major League Baseball Properties, Inc. and the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum, respectively. Visit the official website at MLB.com (C)MLBPA -Official Licensee, Major League Baseball Players Association. Visit the Players Choice on the web at www.MLBPlayers.com (C)MLBP 2008/MLBPA 2008.This game incorporates technology of Massive Incorporated ("Massive") that, when activated, enable the presentation of in-game advertisements and other in-game objects which are uploaded temporarily to your personal computer or game console and changed during online game play. As part of this process, when Massive technology is activated, Massive may have access to your Internet Protocol address. Your Internet Protocol address, and other basic anonymous information, available to Massive are temporarily used by Massive for the general purposes of transmitting and measuring in-game advertising. Massive does not use any information for the purpose of discovering your personal identity. For additional details regarding Massive in-game advertising practices, and to understand your options with respect to in-game advertising and data collection when Massive technology is activated, please see Massive's privacy policy at http://www.massiveincorporated.com/privacy.htm. The trademarks and copyrighted material contained in all in-game advertising are the property of the respective owners. Portions of this product are(C)2007 Massive Incorporated. All rights reserved.

このPS2ソフトのあなたの評価は? (0 vote)
10 ◎神
9 ▲上の上
8 ▲上の中
7 ▲上の下
6 ■中の上
5 ■中の中
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